Your Motion to Change Venue package must be in English! When people who are in removal proceedings need to change the location of their Court from one city to another they need to file a motion to change venue.I was wondering if you know the exact process for filing a motion for change of venue in a case that has been closed. The subject of the email must be: "Business Court Verification and Assignment Form". Short answer: No. Once the case has been filed the Court has jurisdiction and cannot lose it unless a change of venue is filed. An uncomfortable situation has caused us to change our ceremony venue, how do I word a short note saying this to place in the envelopes? Take the original motion with proposed order and cover sheet and the copies to the. The American Academy of Arts and Letters in New York is being transformed into a venue for visual and performing artists and events. Our venue can be rented out weekends and the occasional weekday or weekday evening. There is no filing fee for this petition. 7.