Typically, this value will increase annually. Disabled applicants must complete form DTE 105E,.A homestead exemption application form ("DTE 105A") is available from the Ohio Department of Taxation. The Homestead Exemption is a form of property tax relief that results in a reduction in real estate taxes for those who qualify. The Homestead Exemption Act provides a reduction in property taxes on that individual's primary place of residence and up to one acre. If you are in the City of Wayne, go to the city office located at 306 Pearl Street in Wayne. Employers: Use Business Services Online (BSO) to submit W-2s. The Taxpayer Relief Act, Act 1 of Special Session 1 of 2006, was signed into law on June 27, 2006. Township of Wayne (D. Homeowners in the Buckeye State pay property tax rates that are higher than the national average but lower than those of several other Midwestern states.