Texas Minor (Child) Travel Consent Form. Use our Child Travel Consent form to prove that a child can travel without their parents or guardians.The Minor Consent to Travel Form is essential for parents or legal guardians needing to authorize the travel of children aged 12-15 without adult supervision. To create this form, gather all necessary details about the child, the accompanying adult and the travel. If children are not travelling with both their parents, (ie: if they are travelling alone, or with another adult), this form can be used to give permission. A Child Travel Consent gives a minor child (ie, under 18 years old) permission to travel without their parents or legal guardians. Explore an interactive map of "pop-up" vaccine clinic events in Bexar County. Download the Guide: "How to Get a Divorce in Bexar County". Want to save this guide for later? Fill out the passport application form for your child, indicating your sole legal custody and attaching supporting documentation. 4.