Employers can deduct travel expenses paid or incurred during a temporary work assignment if the assignment length does not exceed one year. TECs contain a brief statement of purpose for each trip.Enter this statement (one line if possible) on the line immediately below the last entry for each trip. This policy document sets forth the standards and procedures used to identify and reimburse legitimate travel and businessrelated expenses incurred. This policy document sets forth the standards and procedures used to identify and reimburse legitimate travel and businessrelated expenses incurred. Workers' compensation claims may provide funds to help an injured individual travel to and from appointments, therapy sessions and other medical services. To claim gas mileage reimbursement for business-related travel, you will need to fill out one of two forms: Form 2106-EZ and Form 2106. Also, note that Worksheet 6A that was in chapter 6 is now new 2023 Form 7206, Self-Employed Health Insurance Deduction. Reimbursement for rental car will include the cost of the rental car, gas, and rental insurance.