Claim (TEC) for reimbursement of third party lodging without both required receipts will result in the rejection of the claimed expense. No expenses can be claimed without Receipt.Else the Amount reimbursed, technically is taxable. Employers can deduct travel expenses paid or incurred during a temporary work assignment if the assignment length does not exceed one year. Under California labor laws, you are entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses or losses directly related to your job. This travel expenses tax deduction guide overviews which expenses are deductible, how to deduct them, and how to calculate them. This travel expenses tax deduction guide overviews which expenses are deductible, how to deduct them, and how to calculate them. With the exception of tips and mileage calculations, receipts must be submitted for all travel and subsistence expenses regardless of the amount incurred. In California, employees may be entitled to reimbursement for work-related expenses - a perk that other states do not provide. This policy document sets forth the standards and procedures used to identify and reimburse legitimate travel and businessrelated expenses incurred.