Know what documents a child needs to travel to or from the U.S. All children, including infants, must have their own travel documents. Your child will need a Child Travel Consent any time they're traveling without all their parents or legal guardians present.I've taken many minors traveling internationally—my nieces, nephews, and toddler son. Use these downloadable travel documents for minors. A consent letter demonstrates that a child has permission to travel outside Canada from every parent or guardian who is not accompanying them on the trip. Our template can guide you in writing a consent letter: Consent letter for children travelling outside Canada: Fillable form (PDF, 217 KB - Help with PDF forms). You just need to make a document in some notary that your wife gives you right that you can travel with the kid. Learn more about the rules and regulations of travel within or outside of the U.S., as well as recommended documentation to carry with you. Before going through security control, you'll have to complete a consent form. Download consent form (English only).