Use form DH 676A for in-state travel, use form DH 676B for out-of- state travel, and use form DH 676C for foreign travel. Use the "Instructions for.For the most part, business travel expenses are tax deductible. Find out how to lower your tax bill and how much you can save. Business travel is tax deductible! Every dollar you spend on travel related to your business may help you legally save on taxes. The Statewide Travel Management System, also known as STMS, is the State of Florida's first cloud-based travel management solution. The state of Florida does not have any laws governing mileage reimbursement except with respect to Workers Compensation. Business owners are permitted to deduct reasonable costs for travel when the travel is ordinary and necessary in the course of their business. This comprehensive guide on "how to charge clients for travel expenses" will walk you through the essential steps while keeping their satisfaction in mind.