Renting a car for business travel is another deductible expense. Georgia's workers' compensation laws allow you to be reimbursed for the "reasonable cost" of travel between your home and the place of examination or treatment.Business owners are permitted to deduct reasonable costs for travel when the travel is ordinary and necessary in the course of their business. In Workday select Expenses, then Expense Reports (in the View section), and use the My Expense Reports report. Employers can deduct travel expenses paid or incurred during a temporary work assignment if the assignment length does not exceed one year. General reimbursement requirements and required documentation for travel expenses are included in the Statewide Travel Policy. Reimbursement for travel expenses is available to anyone who is eligible to receive workers' compensation benefits. Business Travel Accident Insurance and Assistance Services. Why Business Travel Accident Insurance? After you submit a request for reimbursement, the insurance company has thirty (30) days to reimburse you for approved expenses.