Before filling out the form, please carefully read over the guidelines for what qualifies for a travel advance. UGA allows for travel expenses for trips that occur in the first quarter of the next fiscal year in lieu of travel encumbrances.Employers can deduct travel expenses paid or incurred during a temporary work assignment if the assignment length does not exceed one year. This policy also addresses the employee reimbursement for business expenses in categories other than related to travel status. Expense lines populate with the date, expense type, and if it is a meal, the appropriate per diem amount for the Destination Location you. Fill out the top of the expense statement completely which includes your vendor number and your correct mailing address. The transaction or service fees associated with booking airfare are authorized items for reimbursement. Employees of the Georgia Lottery. Corporation are only eligible for the PSR 401(k) Plan, not the PSR 457 Plan. Travel expenses you incur in connection with acquiring or starting a new business are not deductible as business expenses.