All travelers must have an approved Travel Authorization (TA) within INFORMS for each trip before traveling. We invite you to complete the digital Bermuda Arrival Card prior to your arrival on the island.The form is easy and will take less than 2-minutes. The wizard is not an online application, and completing the wizard does not mean you will receive a passport. PARENT PERMISSION SLIPS for participating students found in this packet must be on file in the Office of the Principal prior to the field trip. (Example - 5 working days in advance of the anticipated date of absence.) 4. The Principal will return the approved (signed) form for follow-up. A valid Passport Card may only be used for land and sea travel between the United States and Canada, Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean. To complete the interview via EoA, you must be in possession of the following documents: A valid passport. Please submit the completed Travel Request Form as soon as you know you will be traveling, at least three weeks in advance.