To establish the Travel and Employee Expense Reimbursement. Information for state employees and vendors, including hotel listings, travel rates, forms, and regulations.Do you know which business travel expenses are eligible for deductions? The MSU Travel Reimbursement Chart is an accompanying document to Section 70 of the Manual of Business Procedures. Most employers do reimburse employees for travel expenses including a rate for mileage incurred when traveling for business. Business travel is tax deductible! Every dollar you spend on travel related to your business may help you legally save on taxes. All expenses related to business travel can be written off at tax time, including airfare, hotels, rental car expenses, tips, dry cleaning, meals and more. These policies are intended to be guidelines for the reimbursement of all University approved travel and business hosting expenses. The NoFault medical mileage reimbursement is one of the PIP benefits that car accident victims are entitled to under Michigan's NoFault law.