Each family member must apply for their own travel document separately. A letter from the person with parental responsibility for the child is usually enough to show you've got permission to take them abroad.A port alert order can be used if you think your child is likely to be taken abroad within 48 hours without your permission. Use LawDepot's Child Travel Consent template to generate a custom document in minutes. To help make the process smoother and faster, it's a good idea to bring along documents that show your relationship with the child and the reason for your trip. A Child Travel Consent Form is a legal document that provides permission from a child's parents or legal guardian for the child to travel without them. All minors must appear in-person for their passport along with an original long form birth certificate (with both parent's name listed). There are no EU rules on this matter, each EU country decides if it requires the child to have an official authorisation from their parent(s) or guardian. Park in the main car park before going to the hospital cashier's office (Podium building, level 0, near the main entrance) to buy a pass for up to seven days. NOTE: Some links here lead to "fill-able" PDF forms.