Even if you are unable to replace a receipt, you should still claim reimbursement on your expense report and note that you have lost the receipt. First, you need to find out the travel policies and procedures from HR or accounts payable.This form is not required to complete your expense report but your agency may request it. If you have lost a receipt and are unable to obtain a copy fill out a Missing Receipt Affidavit form in your Concur Expense Report. If someone does not have a receipt, we have a document the employee must complete, sign and have a line of business manager sign off on the expense. Original receipts must be provided for all air, lodging, and rental car expenses. Employers can deduct travel expenses paid or incurred during a temporary work assignment if the assignment length does not exceed one year. No other expenses will be reimbursed; receipts are not required for per diem expenses. You may request a copy of your driving or vehicle record from DMV.