TOURIST VISA REQUIRED: Not required for stays 90 days or less. CheckMig allows travelers, nationals and foreigners who intend to enter or leave Colombia, to preload all the information related to their trip.Traveling to Colombia? Filling out the Colombia Check-MIG Form is easy as it can be easily done online. Before applying for your Passport please check if you fulfill all requirements for its approval. Before entering or exiting Colombia, you must complete a free online form ('CheckMig') on the Migracion Colombia website. The Check Mig is a travel authorization mandatory for every single traveler entering or leaving Colombia, including the country's own citizens. You need to fill out the Check Mig Colombia Form within 72 hours of boarding your flight. The latest you need the Check-MIG is 1 hour before your flight. Fill out the form below to receive a FREE Visitors Guide or view the guide online today!