Note: If a Canadian travel document has been reported lost, stolen, damaged or is inaccessible, and has not yet expired, complete form PPTC 203,. Carry a valid Canadian passport for all visits abroad, including visits to the US. It is the only universally accepted identification document.No, REAL ID is optional for Pennsylvania residents. Canadians may drive legally in the U.S. using a Canadian driver's license for 60 days after moving to Pennsylvania. Use our Form Filler to fill out your form and print it. The trav- eler will be provided with a CBP admission stamp on their travel document. A passport is the only reliable and universally accepted travel identification document and it proves that you have a right to return to Canada. REAL IDs are now available to Pennsylvanians who want them. Complete this checklist to determine your eligibility to use this form. Yes. Yes.