CheckMig allows travelers, nationals and foreigners who intend to enter or leave Colombia, to preload all the information related to their trip. You need to fill out the Check Mig Colombia Form within 72 hours of boarding your flight.Filling out the Colombia Check-MIG Form is easy as it can be easily done online. To request your free copy of the Salt Lake Visitors Guide please fill out the form below and allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Visitors can apply for ESTA through the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's website and now on their phone or tablet through the ESTA Mobile App. All travelers must fill out the Colombia Check-MIG Form. We advise you to apply 3 days in advance. The Travel Section will fill out the form, taking the information from the TA. The traveler will then sign the form. Winter is a popular time in Salt Lake City for the various snow activities you can participate in. Original of this form is to be submitted with Reimbursement Request.