CheckMig allows travelers, nationals and foreigners who intend to enter or leave Colombia, to preload all the information related to their trip. You need to fill out the Check Mig Colombia Form within 72 hours of boarding your flight.The latest you need the Check-MIG is 1 hour before your flight. The CheckMig is a form that you must submit (via your cell phone) no more than 24 hours before you are scheduled to arrive in Colombia. The Colombia Check-Mig Pre-Registration Form is a mandatory travel document for all travelers entering or leaving Colombian territory. List of Attorneys, Service of Process, Criminal Matters, Obtaining Evidence in Civil and Commercial Matters, Taking Voluntary Depositions of Willing Witnesses. Complete the form at least 72 hours before travel to allow time for any corrections. Travel Health Notices. Be aware of current health issues in Colombia. If you are traveling to St. Kitts, it is required that you complete the online Immigration and Customs ED Form before arrival.