The Travel Expense Voucher (form A20A or A202A) is used to: • Document the authorization for travel within the state of Washington. Employers can deduct travel expenses paid or incurred during a temporary work assignment if the assignment length does not exceed one year.You can deduct a part of your medical and dental expenses, and amounts you paid for certain taxes, interest, contributions, and other expenses. CRA can reimburse only necessary and reasonable expenses. These typically include economy airfare, ground transportation, and meals while traveling. Find out if you can claim moving expenses, tuition, education and textbook amounts, interest paid on student loans and even more. As a travel nurse, you may need to file a nonresident state tax return in each state you work in, as well as in your home state. This tool provides an estimate only and applies strictly to goods imported for personal use. The reason you're traveling to Canada determines the way you apply and the documents you need to submit with your visa application.