Start your 1031 Reverse Exchange here. Please provide us with as much information as possible.Generally, if you make a likekind exchange, you are not required to recognize a gain or loss under Internal Revenue Code Section 1031. Fill out the form below to learn more about JTC's Qualified Intermediary services and download our 1031 Exchange Fact Sheet! Learn what it takes to do a 1031 exchange in California and how you can cleverly leverage it to defer capital gains tax and build wealth. Legal 1031 provides a form to identify property with each set of exchange documentation. "Buyer is aware that seller intends to perform an IRC Section 1031 taxdeferred exchange. To qualify for a 1031 Exchange, Relinquished and Replacement Properties must be qualified as "like-kind," and the transaction must be structured properly. Checklist for Indian Passport Holders. 1.