DATA EXCHANGE REQUEST FORM (DXRF), FORM SSA-157: Prior to signing this. To initiate an agreement without an approved template, complete the intake form below.By completing a 1031 Exchange a property seller may avoid the payment of taxes. Illinois 1031 Exchange rules allow investors to defer capital gains on sale of qualified property if exchanged for like-kind property. Exchange Funds and Exchangor agrees to complete an Internal Revenue Service Form W-9, which Form shall be given to the Qualified Intermediary. Orchard is the owner or contract purchaser of the real property and commonly known as. Just click one of the links below to download or print our blank forms and legal documents. If you didn't find the document you need, contact us. A prerequisite for being able to complete the exchange is that you can credit your courses after the exchange. Study at Illinois Tech among a diverse student body in one of the world's greatest cities—Chicago!