Is a national 1031 exchange qualified intermediary with a 1031 Exchange Los Angeles office in southern California. Information for qualified intermediaries or accomodators for real estate withholding and 1031 like-kind exchanges.To qualify for a 1031 Exchange, Relinquished and Replacement Properties must be qualified as "like-kind," and the transaction must be structured properly. Learn what it takes to do a 1031 exchange in California and how you can cleverly leverage it to defer capital gains tax and build wealth. Step 1: While contemplating the sale of an investment property, contact 1031 Pros. The property will be placed with a qualified intermediary for 180 days, during which you can use the exchange equity to make the necessary improvements. What is an Accommodator or Qualified Intermediary. How to find a qualified intermediary? An investor needs a Qualified Intermediary when entering into a 1031 Exchange transaction. All exchanges require the use of a Qualified Intermediary (QI).