This creates a taxable event. We are ready to work with you and your tax and legal advisors to structure the most advantageous 1031 exchange possible.The property you sell and the replacement property you purchange must meet certain requirements to qualify for a 1031 Exchange. Form 8824 asks for details about the properties exchanged, the dates of the transactions, and the financial aspects of the exchange. When investors sell a 1031 exchange property, they have the option to trade into another property via another 1031 exchange or cash out and pay capital gains. Start your 1031 Reverse Exchange here. Go to our main page and click Sign up to create a new account. But in a likekind exchange, gain or loss on the sale of relinquished property is deferred until the replacement property is sold. Remember, a wise investment today paves the way for a secure tomorrow. Shoot us an email and one of our 1031 exchange experts will follow up with next steps.