For ease of reference, this Exchange Agreement collectively refers to these lands as the "Oak Street to 9th Avenue Property. The owner must file a Property Owner Certification Prior to Move-Out Negotiations with the Rent Adjustment Program prior to entering into Move-Out Negotiations.A contract is a written or oral agreement between two or more parties or entities involved in a deal or transaction that is legally binding. If your lease says that you need the approval of your landlord in writing or that the prospective tenant must fill out an application, you should comply. Chose a template, complete and submit it. You will receive an email with the draft agreement as an attachment, and a link to the routing and approval form. The following meanings: 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. "Agreement" or "MAPLA" means this Maritime and Aviation Project Labor Agreement. The official website of the City of Oakland. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "OARB Redevelopment.