1031 Exchange expert, Ron Ricard offers you customized solutions to defer capital gains tax and maximize equity in your 1031 like kind investment property. A reverse 1031 exchange enables you to buy first and sell later, giving you additional flexibility otherwise not feasible with a 1031 like-kind exchange.The San Jose office handles all 1031 Exchange Qualified Intermediary services for the IPX1031 Northern California region. JTC's 1031 exchange services facilitate seamless property swaps, helping you defer taxes and invest smarter. Request 1031 Exchange Listings. Please complete the form below to receive a listing of 1031 exchange replacement properties. To qualify for a 1031 exchange, both the property being sold and the replacement property must be held for investment or used in a trade or business. Lobbyists, lobbying firms, and lobbyist employers file financial disclosure reports with the. CA. 92111. 520-6030862. 7EKK4. ZZB73WB8LZ5Y6. 03961. A number of format changes were introduced in the 2016 version of Treaties in Force.