The UCC e-Filing Acknowledgement screen contains your filing information (date, time and filing number) along with the card confirmation code. By signing you certify your express authority.Please take a moment to acknowledge receipt of the attached bid documents. All Proposals must be sealed and submitted in an envelope with the Identification Label provided in the Bid Documents affixed to the front of the envelope. Nassau County Procurement and Contracts Management Department (PCM) functions as the central hub for purchasing and contracts management activities. The Nassau County Bid Solicitation Boards are open to all registered vendors. Vendors that have not registered are able to view open solicitation opportunities. A purchasing entity's request for offers, including a telephone request for price quotations, an invitation for bids, or a request for proposals. (a) Specify the final date for receipt of requests for a complete bid set;. Bidders must submit sealed bids to be opened at the time and place stated in the solicitation for the public opening of bids.