This page contains postings of Parole Board agendas that are dedicated to Early Discharge from Parole. For information about how to fill out and file court forms, please read Basics of Court Forms and Filings.The Legal Forms Index contains a listing of forms found online as well as sample forms found at the Clark County Law Library. Welcome to the Forms and Packets section of the Website. The items below were created and have been approved for use in the Second Judicial District Court. If you did not already fill out the order when you filled out your other paperwork, complete the form now. This means they give up their right to a trial. In order to avoid lines on Election Day, all voters who wish to vote in person are encouraged to vote early. This work order is used when a contractor and subcontractor have entered, or will enter, into a master agreement. You must have a 3.0 weighted GPA in the academic core courses (AGPA) in order to be admitted to the University of Nevada, Reno.