Motion to Continue (Reschedule) or Extend Time. Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms.This Easy Form helps you ask a judge to reschedule your hearing date or give you more time to do something. To e-file your court documents, they must be saved as a text-searchable PDF file, whether you start from a fillable PDF, handwritten form, or Word document. An updated tutorial on completing the placement section on the new version of the Notice of Motion and Motion to Modify form (FA-4170V). You may use our easy form motion when writing your motion. You must file a Motion to terminate child support and a Notice of Motion with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and then appear in front of a judge. All traffic offenses in Chicago are heard in the Traffic Division, located in the Daley Center. Case the claim must be filed within two years from the time the disability ceases. All Illinois Courts must accept these forms.