Please use these examples to create your own unique style and clearly represents your academic and professional background. In the header, you will include your name and contact information.You will also write the name of the person to whom you are addressing the letter. Cover letter are written in "your voice" and serve as an opportunity for you to explain your interest and qualifications for a particular job in your own words. Include the full name of the person you are addressing (if you have this information), their title, the organization's name, and the organization's address. I am a first-year law student at Harvard Law School and am writing to apply for a volunteer summer internship at your office. To write a short cover letter that still lands you the interview, draw inspiration from our short cover letter samples and template below. Learn the art of crafting personalized, attention-grabbing cover letters that speak directly to a particular person and tailor your qualifications. Keep the cover letter to one page. Chapter 558 of the Florida Statutes broadly governs construction disputes.