This is often referred to as a "motion for time served" or a "motion for jail time credit. He will need to contact the courts that the warrants are out of and ask them exactly what they require.To request credit for time served, you must provide proof of incarceration from a jail or prison that includes the dates you were incarcerated. You must complete this request and submit all documentation required. To request time served you will need to submit the following: Defendant's Motion To Lay Out Fine in Jail; Documentation from the agency you were in custody. EFiling is mandatory for attorneys, government agencies, and guardians ad litem who file documents in the Hennepin County District Court. If you wish to request Credit for Time Served, please fill out and return a completed form to our office using the document below. Please be advised your plea of No Contest or Guilty will result in a conviction that will appear on your record. Clyde municipal courts motion for served form texas for filing a payment. The "Venue List" in your unit law library lists all of the federal courts in Texas, their divisions, and the addresses for the clerk's offices.