Motion calendars are set on Wednesday and Thursday, to , except for jury trial week and cancelled dates which are listed on the website. A party seeking to file a document under seal must first file a motion to file under seal.Once you know the time and date of the hearing, you will need to complete Notice of Hearing on Motion for. This procedural guide covers generally applicable rules of motion practice in Florida Circuit Courts. Consult the specific statutes, rules, and case law. Post Judgment Motions. ▫ 10 days to file a Motion For Rehearing. Once your forms are complete, file them with the Clerk of Court's office in the appropriate county or online using the Florida Courts E-Filing Portal. Were can I find a sample motion for continuance form for Miami Dade county 11th circuit court? A defendant is eligible for default if none of the following are filed after 20 days of service: • Answer filed.