A cover letter lets you tell your employment story with some freedom to express yourself. You can explain your qualifications more fully.I'm deeply interested in a diverse group of topics including design, health, and advertising. I'm going to share with you the three part structure to create a bulletproof cover letter that gets you more interviews. Start over include three themes: what you know about the company, what you admire about the company and why you're the right person to fill the open room. Clearly state the position you are applying for, where you found the position, and why you are particularly interested in this position with this company. Describe how your qualifications match those in the job description and the value you can provide to the organization. Reference one or two specific examples. Cover letters should complement your résumé and illustrate your interests, the skills you possess, and your communication abilities. Use this booklet to gain a better understanding of the general content and format of your cover letter. 2.