Motions and any responses filed thereto are assigned approximately two (2) business days after the response date to the appropriate judge. Fill in the names of the petitioner and respondent in the heading (the square box in the top left corner).The petitioner is the person who is filing a motion. The signature of an attorney shall constitute a certification that. It defines the amount of time each party will spend with the child (physical custody) and how major decisions are made about the child (legal custody). Ensure subpoenaed personnel sign, date, time, and retain two (2) copies of the notice. 5. Extension of Time Limitations. Provides residents, businesses, and visitors to Philadelphia with comprehensive parking management services. In 2024, the Falcons fired a head coach, briefly flirted with an aging alltime great to replace him, and wound up bringing on a familiar face. Editor Mike Spofford answered fan questions in his live chat.