A motion is a written request made to the court, asking the judge to issue an order. Riverside County Superior Court efiler resource to navigate eFiling requirements, deadlines, and formatting parameters for successful eFiling.To view or print a free civil court form, you may refer to Notice of Motion. Is eFiling mandatory? No, at this time eFiling is optional. An application for a court order extending the time to serve a pleading must be filed before the time for service has elapsed. You can file a Motion to Dismiss this is a preform that can be obtained from the Clerk of the Court where you filed your Petition. A community of bright, curious individuals living and learning together in a truly one-of-a-kind environment. A party seeking an ex parte order must notify all parties no later than am the court day before the ex parte appearance. It can worsen over time without treatment and can result in a complete loss of function.