These email addresses are designated to request motion dates for civil motions heard at the San Bernardino, Rancho Cucamonga and Victorville Districts. Press the appropriate number given to speak to a civil clerk to get the available days and times and to reserve a motion date.The form you need to respond to an eviction case is Answer - Unlawful Detainer-Eviction (form UD-105). I request that the hearing be rescheduled as follows: a. b. A motion for summary judgment or summary adjudication must be heard at least thirty (30) days before trial, unless the court orders otherwise. Your motion will be assign a date, time and a department. The date, time, and department will be assigned when you file the papers with the Court Clerk. An application for a court order extending the time to serve a pleading must be filed before the time for service has elapsed. To begin the process of clearing your record in San Bernardino County, fill out the form below (two parts). Prepare your motion to quash service of summons diligently.