Counsel shall complete the Preliminary Conference form prior to appearing on the conference date. The forms are currently available in the courtroom and.When filling in the date, please click the date on the calendar and it will fill in the appropriate information. Working copies of motions shall not be tendered to the court more than one week prior to the return date of the motion. This procedural guide covers generally applicable rules of motion practice in the Suffolk County Supreme Court. Under the "16-7-1" briefing schedule, the moving party must serve the notice of motion and motion papers at least 16 days before the return date of the motion. Most users should use Motion (CJD 400). If you need to save a partially filled-out form, you may choose to use the alternative form:. What do I do after I fill out my forms? Step 1: File your Motion forms with the Circuit Clerk in the county where the court case is filed.