Some of the most common motions and requests are Requests for Jury, Motions for Continuance; Motions to Amend Petitions; and Motions for Temporary Orders. This guide has generic forms you can use to file a motion in a Texas civil case.The Instructions for Completing the Orders – currently under the Temporary Ex Parte Order form – apply to all orders, including the MOEP. Every pleading, plea, motion, or application to the court for an order, whether in the form of a motion, plea, or other form of request, unless presented. To ensure your Motion is forwarded to the Court for action, you must E-FILE a SETTING REQUEST with your motion and order. COMPLETE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: a. You must complete this request and submit all documentation required. These forms are for use in district court. Time for Response and Brief. A response and brief to an opposed motion must be filed within 21 days from the date the motion is filed.