In a civil case, the notice of appeal must be filed with the US District Clerk's Office within 30 days after the judgment is entered. Rules of Civil Procedure and local Rule 2.4.The District Clerk shall provide to any person upon request (1) an application in the form set forth in this chapter for authority to serve. (1) detailed and clear instructions for how to fill out the form and submit a request to the court; and. TRAVIS offers to create a 2D contour plot with the histogram quantity on one axis and the simulation time on the other axis. We present TRAVIS ("TRajectory Analyzer and VISualizer"), a free program package for analyzing and visualizing Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics trajectories. Fill out the petition completely. If anything is left blank, the petition cannot be accepted. This article presents a tried-and-true method for defeating almost every motion for summary judgment that comes your way. WC Decision Clark, Travis 20060727.