Affiliates must provide a letter from the affiliation confirming the new address. b. You (or the purchaser or transferee) must complete Form CBS-1, Notice of Sale, Purchase, or Transfer of Business Assets.The first step in transferring LLC ownership is to review your LLC's operating agreement. Typically, a third party (usually the company's attorney) assists in transferring stock from one shareholder to another. File an annual report for a Corporation, Not-for-Profit, or Limited Liability Company online. Incorporate a business or terminate an LLC. Complete number 9 on the Stock Power Form. When checks are reissued, outstanding checks in the account are cancelled. This process (if done correctly) involves a lot more than simply filling out and filing forms, although that is certainly a part of it. To sign up for direct deposit, the payee is to read the back of this form and fill in the information requested in Sections 1 and 2.