The articles of incorporation shall set forth any classes of shares and series of shares within a class, and the number of shares of each class and series, Your fees are based on the number of authorized shares.In accordance with the Company's articles of incorporation, multiple voting shares may only be issued to Fairfax or its affiliates. First, you will need to contact the Zoning Department and fill out a Use Permit Application. From first of its kind research to stories of student and alumni success, read the latest news from George Mason. Click on the job title that you are interested in, review the job description, employment standards and supplemental questions (located on the tab). We strive to inspire and sustain a passion for parks and leisure experiences that enhances our community's quality of life. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited (the "Meeting") will be. Written, paper prescriptions can be filled at the ATAMMC Hospital Pharmacy. BMW of Fairfax offers exclusive military discounts on select models.