Then the Oakland City Clerk will certify the election results and prepare a resolution for the City Council to declare the results. The Oakland Unified School District is among the local government boards considering a resolution addressing the ongoing war in Gaza.RESOLUTION APPROVING NON-BINDING TERMS OF A. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE ATHLETICS INVESTMENT. The Resolution calls a special election pursuant to Streets and Highways Code section. The MiServiceDesk project aims to assess the feasibility of scaling a centralized service desk model to support Michigan's 56 Intermediate School Districts. The service is free for one year to any Oakland County resident or Oakland County Government employee seeking assistance to manage college debt. The investments in Resolution Funding Corporation STRIPS represent investments approximately equal to 5.9 percent of investments. A. The City Council finds that a shortage of decent, safe, affordable and sanitary residential rental housing continues to exist in Oakland. A decision to close schools is a nonmandatory subject of bargaining. However, an employer must bargain over the amount of notice employees receive.