, merger, acquisition, exchange, distribution,. This form is required to be filed no later than ten (10) days after this occurrence.This Notification is required to be filed no later than ten calendar days after this occurrence. If you have not already reserved your trading symbol or you would like to change your symbol upon listing, please complete a Symbol Reservation Form before you. On November 1, 2023, the SEC approved Nasdaq's rule changes to the notification and disclosure requirements for reverse splits. The Company is in the process of completing the Form 10-Q and intends to file the Form 10-Q as soon as practicable. Past sold our shares in the form of ADSs in several transactions. SelfRegulatory Organization's Statement of the Terms of Substance of the Proposed Rule Change. The leader in intelligent power and image sensing technologies that build a better future for the automotive, industrial, cloud, medical, and IoT markets.