Learn more about the Wyckoff method, an approach to navigating financial markets based on the relationship between supply and demand. The highest rated stock alerts platform.Track stocks with push, email, text, or call alerts. It's better to think long term than to panic and sell stock at a low during a downturn, but you need to have a strategy for different outcomes. With StockAlarm you'll be able to setup stock alerts based off of price targets, price changes, moving averages, and more! You can also go to the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, tap My Watch, tap Stocks, then choose a metric. What follows are four electrifying growth stocks you'll regret not buying in the wake of the Nasdaq bear market dip. Touch and hold the Home Screen until the apps begin to jiggle. , tap Edit Watchlist, drag a stock into your preferred position, then tap Done. When you change the order on one device, it changes on the other to match.