(d) The names of the surviving spouse and next of kin if decedent died intestate as to any personalty; One thing for sure is that the bank will want to know the specific reasons for the removal request as the next-to-kin.State laws of intestacy determine who is Decedent's next of kin (i.e. Next of Kin Letter is a document used to confirm who is the closes relative of the deceased that are still living. Caregiver Leaveup to 26 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a parent, child, spouse or next of kin. Also, if your name is written on a power of attorney document besides being named in the bank account as the next to kin. Allegheny College in the upcoming fall semester. In instances where a license plate has been issued, the code AT (for all-terrain vehicle) or SN (for snowmobile) should be entered in the LIT Field. How do i write a letter for next of kin (father) who is willing to give up his rights to heir in son inheirtance?