Financial Institution, proceed to section B below. Accounting Guidelines are also included in this packet to help you complete this form.Attach this form to the Petition for Approval of the Final Account. 1. (Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 14-3971)You would simply get the form and instructions from the court's website, fill out the form and have it notarized. To designate a POD Beneficiary or Beneficiaries on your account, please complete the information below. This designation applies only to the account. List all checking accounts, savings accounts, money market accounts: (include name of bank, address, account type, name account is under, account number). The process of setting up a transfer on death account is straightforward. A Payable on Death (POD) account is easy to set up at your bank. Fill out the Affidavit and sign it before a notary or in front of a County Clerk.