Closing the Estate of the Person who Died. You may use the forms on this page if the following factors apply to your situation.This packet contains general information and instructions about closing the estate as personal representative, whether there was a will or not. (Arizona Revised Statutes, Section 14-3971)You would simply get the form and instructions from the court's website, fill out the form and have it notarized. To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. INSTRUCTIONS: For approval of accounting, put a check mark in boxes 1, 2 and complete number 1: 1. Do you need to find an executor checklist for what to do when someone passes away in Arizona? Click here to see our recommendations. A. Petition for Approval of Accounting: Prior to closing the case, you may file a Petition to ask the court to approve how the estate was managed. This packet contains general information and instructions to file and give notice for closing an estate, whether there was a Will or not.