To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. If the deceased person was the sole owner of the bank account and named a beneficiary, then the bank can release the funds to the beneficiary without probate.You can use this letter template to write to the bank to request the closure of a direct payments account following the death of the account holder. The first and foremost thing you must do to close a bank account upon the death of a loved one is to inform the bank of this death. WARD: Name: Date of Birth: Date of Death: 2. This could just be a death certificate and your driver's license. It could also require opening an estate and getting letters testamentary. Within two months after your qualification, you must mail a registered or certified letter, return receipt requested, to each secured creditor of the estate. Probate is the legal process to distribute a person's property after they die. The documents needed are a death certificate, residential proof, bank passbook, etc.