To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. The bank will not allow you to close it unless you have a letter of authorization from the probate court.A bank account or investment account in the sole name of a decedent is a probate asset. The first and foremost thing you must do to close a bank account upon the death of a loved one is to inform the bank of this death. For purposes of this affidavit, you must list ALL RELATIVES of the Decedent, including yourself, if applicable. To close a bank account after death, you must completely liquidate its funds. An Affidavit of this nature allows a bank or credit union in Florida to pay a qualified family member the funds in the decedent's bank accounts. No student will be permitted to register until all unpaid University accounts and fees have been satisfied. The amendment or revision must be published once in the tenth week and again in the sixth week immediately preceding the week the election is held. And death associated with consumer products.