Section 1: Fill out name, location, and date of death for decedent which can be found on the decedent's death certificate. Please note: For all account types, we require a death certificate.To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. Notifying us of the death of a Schwab client is the first step in the inheritance process. It's easy and will take only a few minutes. Beginning Payment Date — Payments to a non-individual (e.g. If you're a CD beneficiary, you must typically provide a death certificate and proof of identity to claim the CD's funds. The surviving beneficiary will receive any money left in the account upon proof of the owner's death. The transfer on death (TOD) designation allows an account holder to pass assets from brokerage accounts, stocks, and bonds at their death, bypassing probate. Select the frequency, start date, stop date and withdrawal day.