Once you've completed your duties as laid out in the trust document, you're ready to terminate the trust. Schedule C, Disbursements, Standard Account—Investment Expenses. (Name):.I need a sample letter to request a formal accounting of an estate and of a trust that I am very confident the trustee. The trustee's job is to manage the property in the trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries in the way the settlor has asked. What powers does a trustee have? Once established, SNTs may terminate either with the death of the primary beneficiary or in the event of specific circumstances. For example, a minor's name can be on a bank account so long as it is also opened in the joint name of their adult guardian. Letters of instruction have become an important component in the estate planning process. The California probate code sections quoted below state the laws about providing accountings to trust beneficiaries. How do trust funds pay out?