To close a bank account on behalf of someone who has passed away, you must have legal authority to manage the account. The first and foremost thing you must do to close a bank account upon the death of a loved one is to inform the bank of this death.Notify Bank of America. We'll ask you for the deceased customer's full legal name and Social Security number to identify their accounts. The executor or administrator can release money from a bank account to pay for funeral costs and inheritance tax while waiting for a grant of probate. Most banks will have their own individual procedure for closing a bank account after the title holder of the account passes away. It began as a visionary notionthat patients could die with dignity at home. This provision shall be included in the appointment letter of head coaches. Do you know how to find out if you are a beneficiary on a bank account? By the end of 1921, Clark and Tyler had succeeded in signing up an alleged 100,000 new members.